Entries by Nina

Certified LabVIEW Developer Company

Instrumentation Technologies has become a Certified LabVIEW Developer Company, which indicates that we design and develop functional programs while minimizing development time and ensuring maintainability through proper documentation and style.

Solving challenges in cities around the world with advanced technology

Itron, an American giant and a world leader in IoT technologies for utilities and smart cities, invited IoT solution providers to participate in their London Smart City Challenge with the aim of improving citizens’ wellbeing by increasing safety along the River Thames. Our team was named winner of the challenge for our two-step solution: – […]

Dan odprtih vrat

Z veseljem vas vabimo na dan odprtih vrat, ki bo potekal 28.novembra 2019. Predstavili vam bomo inženirske probleme, ki jih rešujemo v našem podjetju in vam razkazali naše prostore. Prijave so mogoče na www.odkrijsvojtalent.si ali preko spodnje QR kode.

Visit us at Inovacija Energetike ’19

On October 9 we will present our example of innovation “An innovative approach to increasing security along river Thames” at the 11th Think-Tank Energy Innovation Meeting ’19.

Current meter

The Libera Current meter is a general purpose current measuring device with 4 input channels.